The Gamblewood Community Club HOA was first established in 1967, with divisions added over the following years to include a neighborhood of 373 lots. Presently we have approximately 375 members. Our neighborhood is most easily accessed off of Hwy 104, about a quarter mile north of the intersection with Bond Road/Hwy 307 (coming from Kingston you would turn right at the light as if you were going to Port Gamble or to the Hood Canal Bridge).

Easy access to Gamble Bay

Our boat ramp and beach give members easy access to the waters of Gamble Bay.

While the HOA has no indoor facilities, this single family home community includes 2 private parks, one of them being several acres of open space and forested land with waterfront on Gamble Bay. Our waterfront park is the crown jewel of our community and includes 2 covered shelters, BBQ grills, children’s play area, horseshoe pit, boat ramp and seasonal porta-potty, providing members with opportunities for picnicking, fishing, recreating on the water, shellfish harvesting (limited to property owners only) and more. More park info. Our second park is a smaller 1/4 acre play park with climbing structure, swings, slide, and a basketball court located on Border Way.

Our modest $75 annual dues primarily support the maintenance and improvements to our parks. Dues notices to members are mailed in late May, ahead of our Annual Members Meeting which is held on a Saturday in June at our waterfront park. The 2022 Annual Member Meeting & BBQ date has been set for June 18.

The Gamblewood HOA is managed by an elected/volunteer Board of Directors (5 directors) with rotating positions open and filled at the Annual Members Meeting. Any member in good standing (dues paid current) may be nominated to the Board. The Board operates under the authority and guidelines of the HOA Bylaws. Board meetings are generally scheduled once a month, and when held in a public location are open to members (during the longer/warmer days of summer the board meets at our waterfront park). Members, by buying a lot/home in Gamblewood, implicitly agree to pay the annual dues and live by the restrictions set out in Gamblewood’s HOA covenants.

Annual Members Meeting

Gamblewood members gather in the waterfront park for an Annual Members Meeting and BBQ.

Meet the 2021-2022 Board of Directors

Phil ElenaPhil Elena, Treasurer: Donna & I have been living in the community since 1991 after moving from New York to Seattle in 1979. We raised a son who is now raising two children of his own. Port Orchard is plenty close enough for the young ones to come over for some overnights with grandma & grandpa. We have one cat who, unfortunately, will never be able to appreciate our great little park as she never passes through our front door. We have a good Board, looking forward to continuing involvement in making Gamblewood a place we can all be proud of.

Tom TwiggTom Twigg, President: My family settled in Gamblewood after moving from Alaska 14 years ago, attracted to the closeness to the water, the rural nature of north Kitsap, and the small town charm of Kingston.  I have been on the GCC Board in one role or another going into my 13th year. Having younger children (now 8 & 14) and living near the waterfront park I’ve had a strong interest in seeing our parks being safe and fun places for families to enjoy, and a lot of my energy on the Board (and as a neighbor) has gone towards those ends. Gamblewood is a big neighborhood with challenges and opportunities, nothing would make me happier than to see more residents get involved in improving our community and making it a place we can all be proud to call home.

Alan Roberts, Vice President: Alan, his wife Jodee and their daughter bought a house near the waterfront park entrance in 2012 and right away was offering to be helpful in many ways. When the Board tragically lost member Jason Foster we turned to Alan to ask him to assume the empty spot and he stepped right up.

Andrew YbarraAndrew Ybarro, Vice President: We would like to think we are gardners. Married 55 years, 2 children and 2 great grand children. Partner in a telecommunication company in Totem Lake for 16 years.

Graig Stilwell, Secretary

Please use the Contact page form or attend a monthly meeting to ask questions, raise concerns or make suggestions to the GCC Board.