» Property Status Inquiries

Ways to Pay

You can always send a check to Gamblewood Community Club (or GCC), PO Box 69, Kingston, WA 98346.

To pay online: Use the PayPal Pay Now button below to pay your annual Gamblewood Community Club HOA dues ($75). Using PayPal allows anybody the convenience of easy online payment with credit or debit card, or you may choose a withdrawal from your bank account if you have a PayPal account, but at this time it is set up to only process the regular 1-year amount of $75.

You can now also send your HOA dues payment (any amount) with the cash app, just send your payment to $gamblewood. Apple App store | Google Play

When you click the Pay Now button below you will be taken to the secure PayPal site to complete your transaction. If you know it, please add your lot number at the bottom where it says “Add special instructions to the seller” — not necessary but will save our Treasurer some time.

Senior citizens (65 and older) in our community are eligible for a $25 discount on dues, please include birthdate information or a copy of your drivers license with submission of your reduced payment (only necessary once).

Note: If you owe a different amount and have a PayPal account, you can send any amount needed by going to PayPal’s site and sending your payment to treasurer@gamblewood.org.

Thank you for taking care of your dues!

Use the form below to request the dues status on a Gamblewood property (your own or one you are an active agent on).

Dues Status Inquiry

